
My Resume

You can view this resume here.

Only a small portion of the data is hardcoded into JSX. Rather most of it is obtained from JSON objects stored in /src/assets/data.
This allows easier and smoother updates for the future.

Setting up the project

If you wish to build a similar resume for yourself, follow these instructions.

  1. Clone this repository ``` git clone https://github.com/tarunluthra123/tarunluthra123.github.io.git ``` Or fork this repository into your own account using the fork button on the top right and clone it from your own forked repository.
  2. Update the data in .json files in src/assets/data folder according to yourself. Stick to the established format of each .json object or you might face some errors.
  3. Update the images in assets folder as well. Some icons such as those of Github, Gmail etc. may be reusable. However most other images will have to be replaced.
  4. Update the import statements in the project files according to the updates made in 2. and 3. as well.
  5. Once set up, install the dependencies from package.json. ``` npm install ```
  6. Run your react app. ``` npm start ``` Your resume should be up and running now if you didn't make an errors while following the above steps.

If you do end up using this project for your resume, I only ask you to star šŸŒŸ this project in return.

Deploying (Optional)

After making the according changes, you can deploy your app to Github Pages as well just as I have. Simply change the ā€œhomepageā€ attribute in package.json to your own website URL and run this command.

npm run deploy

Thatā€™s it. Your app should be deployed.